Our Achievements

Melrose Business and Community Association members work to make this small town of Melrose an even better place to live and raise a family.
MBCA achievements:
- April 22, 2016, participated in hosting the Grande Premiere of a locally produced documentary video “The Lake Santa Fe Story” that helped raise funds to repaint the exterior of the Melrose Elementary School Gymnasium.
- June, 6, 2014, a new welcome sign for Melrose was unveiled to the public and later installed (July 4th) west of town along Highway 26.
- March, 2014, the parking lot for Melrose Bay Park was refurbished with a generous member donation and MBCA funds.
- Improvements to Melrose Bay Park in 2013 included timbers for erosion control, eradication of invasive plants, and selective planting of native plants.
- MBCA assisted in the creation of the Melrose Farmers’ Market.
- A website, online forum, and community calendar were created at www.melrosefl.com in 2009.
- In 2008, the MBCA worked with the local sheriff’s of Alachua, Bradford, Clay, and Putnam Counties on a concept of “Cops Across Borders” which led to what is called the “Four Corners Agreement.” This gives deputies in the area authority to handle what may come up without a lot of red tape. This was the first four-county agreement in the entire State of Florida, and has been renewed since then with each change of sheriff after elections.
- In 2007, MBCA spearheaded a project with the Putnam County Sheriff’s Department and the Kangaroo Store at SR 23 & SR 21 to improve security by new lighting and signage.
- Melrose Bay Park, Inc. was chartered March 18, 2003.
- MBCA and its members supported Historic Melrose, Inc. in the acquisition of the property now known as Melrose Heritage Park.
- MBCA worked with Florida Department of Transportation to regulate parking on Bellamy Avenue (SR 26) to eliminate the overnight parking of vehicles.
- MBCA worked with Florida Department of Transportation to get the sidewalk built along SR 21 up to Lakeview Avenue to give children a safe route to school.
- In 2001, the MBCA brought Christmas lights to the Business District through the generosity and support of local businesses.
- A Beautification Project for State Road 26 within Melrose (also known as the Old Bellamy Road / Florida’s First Federal highway) was launched in 2001 with plantings of native plants, shrubs, and trees. We thank all who participated in this project.
- In 2000, the MBCA placed benches at the Melrose Bay Park with earnings from the Grape Festival. Our last Grape Festival was also in 2000.
- MBCA has supported with cash donations or assistance at events for the Melrose Youth Sports Association, Missionaries Bible Purchase, Interlachen Little League, PC Pals Program, Historic Melrose, Melrose Elementary School, and has also given aid to area families in need.
- On September 1, 1996 the MBCA, in cooperation with the Florida Grape Growers Association, sponsored the first annual Melrose Grape Festival.
- MBCA made the Melrose Bay Park area available for Easter Sunrise Services.
- For several years they sponsored the October Arts & Crafts Festival, until construction at the school caused problems in 1995 and the festival was not held.
- The Melrose Business Association, Inc. was given control of the public area on Melrose Bay and it is now known as Melrose Bay Park
- In 1992, the organization purchased 100 metal folding chairs and presented them to Melrose Elementary School.
- Sponsored Home and Business Christmas Decorating Contests in 1990 and 1991.
- Following a devastating fire, the organization assisted with an Auction and Fish Fry to help rebuild the Trinity Episcopal Church Parish Hall.
- MBA produced a Business Directory & Shopping Guide for Melrose in 1988-89 and again in 1991-92.
- In 1989 they organized the first Merry Melrose Christmas Parade and Arts & Crafts Show, which is now an annual event held on the second Saturday of each December.
- Renaissance Fairs were held in 1983 and 1984.
- The organization has held blood drives, a bi-partisan political fish fry for the community to meet the political candidates, and a food drive for Ethiopia.
- Assisted with Melrose Beautification and Clean-Up Weeks.
- Organized a Neighborhood Crime Watch and held Citizens Against Crime and Business Crime Watch programs.
- Sponsored several “Celebrity Dinners” and auctions to raise money to help the Melrose Youth Sports Association and Melrose Elementary School.
- Several years ago, the MBA (as it was known then) brought a circus to town for the enjoyment of our children. It may have been the only one, ever, in the town’s history.
- A new traffic signal was installed to replace the caution light that had blinked at the intersection of State Roads 21 and 26 for many years.